Collection: We're closed.

Buckle up, this is a wordy one.

I have mentioned in previous emails about things happening behind the scenes, without giving much detail about it. And I'm still not at liberty to give too many details, but I can share with you what decisions have been made over the last few days.

As of Friday I was told that Joyfull Eats is shut down. I was offered to be able to a menu for this week, but I don't think I emotionally have it in me- so instead I will be using the time I usually cook to deep clean the kitchen and remove my ingredients and belongings.

Along with that, I have also decided to leave the store. At this point, my last day will be Friday 5/24, but we will see how the week pans out. I may crack up and decide I'm out. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The business life is so intertwined with my personal life, because Deep Meadow has been my home for so long. I have given my life, love, and skill set to this place. I have loved this place and the people so damn much- even though at times I've wanted to run screaming and never return.

I don't know what this means for Joyfull Eats, I have a meeting with my lawyer today to talk about options. I've been asking myself so many questions- do I file bankruptcy and shut it all down? No income means no bills being paid. Do I try to make stuff from home under the NH homestead license and wholesale and ship balls? Do I try to become a private chef? How the hell do I do all this and be a present mom? Have I even been a present mom over the last few years? Why the fuck is all this happening?

The few things I do know:
As stressful as running a business is and at times I have really sucked at it and mismanaged it, 
I have absolutely loved feeding you. Thank you for the honor of sharing my art form with you. I have loved making you laugh (and laughing with you), sharing stories about how the food I create makes your body and heart feel better. I have loved seeing you out in the world and being told how much you love my balls. I fucking love that you love my balls.

Speaking of my balls, I feel like them suddenly disappearing is extremely sad, and they're something that I can easily set up for out of my home kitchen. I can't make any promises right now, but it is something that I have been thinking. My Shopify site is still active until November, so I could utilize it easily enough. I will aim to keep you updated as much as I can.

Anyway, I've got to take this one step at a time. Remember to breathe, and take care of myself. Which means, for now, as much as I love chatting with everyone, if you email, text, or message me, I may not respond right away. The food that is stocked at Deep Meadow Variety is the last food that will be stocked here. I am not sure what the store wants to do about any points earned, but that's on them to figure out. At some point I will figure out how to handle the few gift cards that are out there.

I'm incredibly sorry and really fucking sad- but here's to finding more joy in whatever the future holds.

Much love & many plants,

Obligatory Nick Miller gif...

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